JOLIMONT WORKING BEE – Saturday 13th March 2021
Thank you to all members who attended our first Working Bee at Jolimont in 2021.
The buzz started well before 9am and continued right through until we finished at midday. It was great to see members enjoying each others company whilst working in the garden to clean up shared areas. There was much laughter and chatter amongst members – something we have missed for some time.
High on the agenda for the day was the removal of the old herb garden and transforming it back to a flat, grassy space for future enjoyment. It is no longer an eyesore or a space for weeds to flourish. The beautiful lemon thyme has also been preserved.
A memorial plaque for our previous President, Ian Chanter, has been moved to the new site and has pride of place in one corner with the original rosemary bush planted along side it ….. all those years ago in 1987. Thanks to an army of members – Yuen, Pam, Lina, Qun Li, Vaughan, Ivan, Violet, John …

This was followed by the completion of the new Herb Garden. Many thanks to Andrew for his donation of bags of mulch to complete the herb garden. It looks fantastic, and with seeds planted for spring we can look forward to some coriander and other lovely herbs.

The mulberry tree was in dire need of some attention – the area under the lower branches was showing signs of being used as a rubbish dump. And was also a potential little hideaway spot for all sorts of activities. Thanks to Anita, Neil, Vivien ….

The area next to the outside shed has been cleared of dumped rubbish and unwanted plant growth. What’s left now is a nice garden plot of cannas. Thanks to Luciano and May.
There were groups of members tackling the external fence area – thanks to Vaughan, Pablo…. And another group tackled the southern fence area to remove weeds, grass and rubbish.
Big thanks to the members who volunteered to drive the rubbish to the tip – Bill, Dom, Parveen, Dawn and Margaret.

A well earned rest with a reward of coffee, tea and cake for the hard workers (L to R) : Ivan, Luciano, Sam, Bob, May and Jill

L to R: Andrew, Dawn and Margaret

More of our hard-working members having a well deserved break: (L to R) Vivien, Neil, Violet, Yuen and Richard
Thank you to Mary for continually providing sustenance in the form of coffee, tea and cakes – it was well received by the tired workers.
Thank you to all the members who donated their Saturday morning to help in cleaning up and tidying our garden – your help has not gone unnoticed. Without your contribution and help we wouldn’t have accomplished as much as we did in a short period of time.
Well done everyone!
Until our next working bee …. keep smiling and continue producing wonderful fruits, veggies and flowers.