Nunawading Community Gardens Inc. No A 0016584V
Nunawading Community Gardens, PO BOX 630 Brentford Square 3131
Nunawading Community Gardens consists of a combination of two garden sites: one at ‘Jolimont’ with 127 plots and the other at ‘Slater’ with 42 plots. These plots are used for growing vegetables, herbs, fruits or flowers for personal use only.
The garden plots are situated at:
- 82 Jolimont Road, Forest Hill – ‘Jolimont‘, and
- Slater Reserve, Grosvenor Street, North Blackburn – ‘Slater‘
Plots are approximately 36 square metres in size. At Slater, all new members are allocated a half plot initially. There are waiting lists at both gardens, currently with a wait time of at least two years or more before being allocated a plot.
There is a limit of one plot per household, and you must be a resident or ratepayer of the City of Whitehorse.
Our policy is that no poisons and no weedicides are to be used on the plots or paths. Our gardens are organically cultivated. It may mean that our fruits and vegetables have a few holes every now and then. If you fail to abide by this rule you will lose your plot. If this policy does not suit the way you would like to garden, there are a few other Community Gardens which do allow the use of pesticides, you should contact these groups instead.
To be on the waiting list, you will need to pay a $5 waiting list fee every year until you are allocated a plot. Your waiting list fee includes attendance to our: general and annual (AGM) meetings each year (no voting rights at the AGM), February Harvest Show, and participation in any special offers to obtain/purchase seeds, manure and other garden supplies. Newsletters will be sent to members prior to each meeting.
To stay on the waiting list, you will need to renew your $5 waiting list fee each year, when you are sent a reminder in October. Plot allocations are based on the date of application – first in, first allocated. If you leave the waiting list, or fail to pay your waiting list fee and re-join later, you lose your previous position; so your new position on the waiting list will be altered to the most recent date joined.
When a plot becomes available, allocation will be to the next member on the waiting list – we will contact you by phone. You will then pay:
- $50 deposit (refundable on leaving if plot returned in good condition)
- $40 for full plot rental (including membership)
- $30 for half plot rental (including membership – when available at Slater)
- Pro-rata if part way through a year.
- $10 refundable deposit for a key to the shed and gate.
You will need to spend a minimum of 3-4 hours per week to maintain the plot, to keep your garden and pathways weed free and tidy, and to abide by the Rules and By-Laws of the Nunawading Community Gardens.
If you would like to have your name added to the waiting list, please fill in the form, attach a rate notice or utility bill to show you are a resident or ratepayer of the City of Whitehorse, and pay the $5 waiting list fee to our account.
Please note the name/names of the applicants for a plot need to be on the documents requested as they will be the principal people responsible for the plot (ie. gardening and maintaining the plot). Allocated plots are NOT TRANSFERABLE so make sure applicant names are correct.
- Payment of $5 to NCG annually (Waiting List fee) – pay by Direct Credit (see below under ‘Payment‘) or post a Cheque to NCG, P.O. Box 630, Brentford Square, Victoria 3131
- Fill in Application Form below with required information.
- Scan copy of Driver’s Licence (block out licence number), property rates, or rent, phone, gas or electricity account and email to:
- If unable to scan to email, please post copies of documents to: NCG, P.O. Box 630, Brentford Square, Victoria 3131
- NCG will confirm your application once they receive all the above payment and information.
Your application will be placed on the waiting list ONLY after NCG receives all requested information and payment: the application form, the $5 payment and the copy of your proof of residence (driver’s licence or property rate charge). If there is any missing information including payment, your application will not be processed until corrected.
There are waiting lists at both Slater and Jolimont Gardens. Payment of $5 is an annual charge and needs to be renewed annually to stay on the waiting list.
Bank: CBA
Account Name: Nunawading Community Gardens Inc
BSB: 063 236
Account #: 00900869
Please use your surname as the reference.
Application Form
There is currently a waiting list for a plot on both sites.
Prefer a paper application?
Email us at with your information and we can send you a form.