New Herb Garden
by Gael (Plot 234)
I am pleased to report that the new Herb Garden is now taking shape. It is not ready yet for picking but keep you eyes open for a notice advising that it is ready to use. Check it out on plot 221a which is not far from the main entrance (where the compost used to be). The centre of the garden will feature a tea garden and will be filled with plants used to make various teas. We will try some of these at our next working bee so make sure you don’t miss out.
The herbs will soon be named and you will be welcome to pick some on your way home from the gardens. So far we have planted various thymes, sorrel, chives, garlic chives, mint, peppermint, borage, oregano, sage, society garlic, tarragon, basil, chamomile, chilli and lavender. Does anyone have some lemon grass?
Thank you to Darren, Jeff, Christos, Ruth and Beryl for your help establishing the garden.
If you have a herb you would like in the garden please contact Darren or Gael. We are always on the lookout for new herbs to try.