Jolimont Garden News – December 2020
Thank you everyone for following the restrictions required of us at the garden during the Covid19 lockdown between March to November 2020.
With the ease down of the restrictions, we hope that you can now spend more time at your vege plot.
- The NCG Committee was able to function as normal during these times via Zoom meetings and implemented these improvements to the gardens: Pruning of fruit trees at the back fence and planting of lemon and time trees in new planter boxes there. Our thanks to members who helped with this and special thanks to Vivien and Neil for building these new boxes and planting the lemon and lime trees:
The pruning of the fruit trees are beginning to show some positive signs – we now have a young crop of olives, figs, peaches developing. Our feijoa tree is now in full bloom: - We now have a new herb garden that is raised. Again thanks to Vivien and Neil for building the raised planter boxes and the subcommittee – Margaret, Dawn, Ruth, Vivien, Gael and other members who helped for organising this:
- Development of an Insectary between our front fence and car park. So that our plots near the front of the gardens are not shaded by large trees, our city council has removed the trees and saltbush in this area and provided us with a grant of $1000 to develop an insectary i.e. an area that is has suitable plants that will attract pollinating insects that our gardens can benefit from. Our special thanks to Anne for running with this initiative with the council to make it happen:
- We had a dedicated team of volunteers maintaining the lawn in our main foot paths and fences using our lawn mower and whipper –snipper. We thank these volunteers and Tony for being so dedicated in maintaining our lawn areas when access to the gardens were severely limited. Hopefully as the Covid 19 restrictions are being eased out, we will now be able to organise working bees for you to become involved in maintaining our garden infrastructure.