By Gael (Plot 234)
Want to have a pair of crazy hands in the graden?
You need concrete, rubber gloves, bucket and a container to mix concrete.
House paint and a helper.
- Mix concrete in bucket. ( get Mum or Dad to help.)
- While someone holds glove open pour concrete in making sure it goes into fingers.
- You may have to squeeze the finger to make sure concrete goes to finger tips.
- Fold end of glove over and seal with a rubber band and leave to set.
- Wash hands in a bucket as you don’t want any concrete going down the drain.
- Tip washing up water on garden.
- Next day take off gloves and paint your concrete hand with glossy house paint.
- You might have to paint one side, leave it to dry then paint the other side.
- You can get small pots from the paint shop if you don’t have any.
- Dance around your lovely hands then put in garden where it looks a bit dull.